On December 6 a year ago, the groups of activists around the country participated in a day of action for housing justice launching the Occupy Our Homes movement. Since a year ago , activists, homeless advocates, students, homeowners and other occupy groups have come together to fight against illegal foreclosures and evictions.
Today, Los Angeles based group, Occupy Fights Foreclosure, celebrates a year anniversary and protests together with activists , homeowners and members of other occupy groups inside the Wells Fargo branch on 1600 Vine street in Hollywood. The protesters demand justice, a stop to illegal foreclosures, reduction of the principal of underwater mortgages and full compliance with the national Attorney General settlement. After an hour, Wells Fargo bank officials shut down the branch and forced the protesters to leave the building.
Protesters unfold a sign |
Protesters hold a sign inside Wells Fargo bank |
Maria Negrette (left) applied for loan modification with Bank of America. When she got her paperwork back she did not know what to do but to cry. Her Principal was not reduced and her monthly mortgage payments were even greater than before. |
Melvina Bogan (center) a member of Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment gives a speech at the protest inside Wells Fargo Bank |
protesters leave the building |
Protest continues outside after Wells Fargo shuts down
Carlos Marroquin talks to a police officer during a protest |
Protest continues outside by Wells Fargo bank's doors |
Police overlook the protest |
Carlos Marroquin a member of Occupy Fights Foreclosure gives a speech outside Wells Fargo bank |
protesters hold their Signs and pass out flyers |