Los Angeles, CA - Over 100 cities across the nation gathered this Sunday for the Climate Rally protesting construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Here in Los Angeles 2 000 activists from Los Angeles and surrounding areas marched from Main Street to the steps of City Hall carrying signs and voicing their disagreement with the proposed pipeline.
The Keystone pipeline is designed to transport synthetic crude oil from the Athabasaca oil sands region to US refineries in Texas. The public concern is over oil leaks , which occur frequently in pipe line construction and additionally a toxic nature of Alberta's crude oil.
Sunday's Climate Rally was hosted and organized by actor and environmentalist Ed Begley. The organizations such as the Sierra Club, WilderUtopia, Citizens Climate Lobby, Long Beach Coalition for a Safe Environment played an important role in organizing Sunday's Climate Rally. The afternoon was filled with speeches and performances.
Denis King from Topanga, California and a member of Topanga Peace Alliance came all the way to Los Angeles to participate in Climate Rally this Sunday afternoon. Mr. King said " We are destroying our environment….. I think bicycles could be a solution and the best way of transportation".
Senator Henry Waxman called for President Obama to take an action in reducing carbon emission. "There is simply no more important fight for the future of our children and grandchildren" Senator Waxman added.
Senator Henry Waxman speaks at Sunday's Climate Rally. |
A member of Occupy Long Beach, Sonny Pencr said "I am here today because i wanted to stand in solidarity with my comrades in Washington DC in support of doing something against a Climate Chaos. I can't call it Climate change, it's a climate chaos and examples of that chaos are hurricanes such as Sandy and Nemo".
Member of Occupy Long Beach, Sonny Pencr came to Los Angeles for Climate Rally. |
Students , scientists and political leaders stood in front of Los Angeles' City Hall this Sunday afternoon in agreement that the Keystone Pipeline would destroy the effort to reduce the world carbon emissions in time to stop Global Warming. Activists demand President Obama and federal government to take action now before it's to late: adding another polluter to our atmosphere could set global warming to escalate out of control.
Pictures from Sunday's Climate Rally